Choosing Cake Decorating Tools

When initially embarking on a cake baking journey, you will find that you are able to get by without the use of a lot of cake decorating tools.

cake decorating tools

However, as you become more experienced and feel the need for a more professional looking finish, you can begin to add to your cake decorating equipment. Below are some cake decorating tools that you can consider adding to your collection:

Roll and Cut Mats
When rolling out fondant to cover the cake, a roll and cut mat will be very useful. It takes the guessing out of getting the right size to properly cover the cake.

The mats are pre-marked with both squares and circles, which makes it almost effortless to roll out the fondant to the required size. There is a non-stick surface on the mat; however, you will still have to spray the rolling pin and the mat with non-stick cooking spray or sprinkle them with cornflower.

Cake Decorating Turntable
The task of icing a cake becomes much easier when a turntable is used. It lowers the risk of damaging the cake while smoothing the cake because it enables you to easily work on the two sides of the cake.

When buying a turntable, get one that is adequately elevated to enable you to operate at a comfortable height. Locking mechanisms and non-slip surfaces are important features because without them the turntable might become a hindrance instead of an aid.

Brush Sets
Cake decorating paint brushes are particularly designed for decorators. When you begin to make wonderful little figures such as angels and animals that you mould from fondant, the need for a decent set of cake decorating brushes will become apparent.

Round tip brushes are used to paint on bold patterns on the fondant covered cake while the square tip brushes are used to accomplish the finer lace-looking brush embroidery. To execute free-hand paint designs, the bevel tip brushes are the best. Whether or not you think you will find pleasure in painting on the cakes you make, you will definitely find that you need one or two paint brushes to put on the finishing touches.

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