Tomatoes are part of our daily diet. We consume them raw, cooked, stewed, as a slurry or soup. In short, having tomatoes at home is essential. Do you want to prepare yourself to keep tomatoes? Here are several tips to always have tomatoes on hand, even in winter!
Fresh tomatoes can be stored in your fruit basket if it is made to be consumed in the coming days. To increase retention, it is possible to put tomatoes in the refrigerator. In this case, take them at least an hour before eating.
Do you want to freeze your tomatoes? Buy firm tomatoes, rinse them, place them in a container designed for freezing or in a freezer bag. Tomatoes can be stored in whole or in district.
Do you wish to make jars of tomato sauce? Cook your tomatoes, sterilize your containers, fill them with grout, wait for the preparation to cool and then close your jars.