Make colored popcorn

We know the recipes for making popcorn or crackers, but this idea will go further and give those colors.

colored popcorn

Colored popcorn recipe
Tasty, fun and with an unmistakable flavor to childhood, movies and family evenings: Popcorn is as stale as delicious, and joins our meetings with friends in a range of flavors and presentations.

In this note we will learn a simple technique to give even more fun to this delightful evenings; we will make colored popcorn, which can be both sweet and savory flavors and even both simultaneously. You can also give color to basic popcorn, then by adding jams, sauces and even melted butter, in an explosion of choices that promise to satisfy all guests.

How to make popcorn

If you have air popcorn maker, the dish will be much healthier and fast processing. If you do not, no problem. Cook them in the traditional way.

Prepare a pot sized handle, preferably something thin to come into heat faster. Pour one teaspoon oil to the bottom of the pot and leave it in the medium to low. Without much delay, add the corn, stirring the pot with the lid on for removing, holding her hand.

When it begin to burst (hear the noise) low fire, leaving at low temperature until it stop popping. Be sure to move the pot, stirring and making skipping content, so it does not burn popcorn that are in the bottom.

Colored popcorn candy
For coloring popcorn candy, one way is to use sugar or colors candy. To do this, place sugar in a saucepan and add a few drops of food coloring of gastronomic use. Mix well so that each crystal takes color, and add to the popcorn when dry sugar.

Another way is to develop a light caramel, carrying the colored sugar being the colors of the heat until the crystals melt and caramelize. Add hot over popcorn, candy threads dropping as many colors as you like.

A third option of coloring fun popcorn is to use royal icing. Beat white egg until breaking the league and leave white, without going to snow. Add a few drops of lemon juice and a few drops of food coloring to give the desired color. Then simply painted onto the popcorn or added as a thin wire, stirring to color in fun ways.

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