Strawberry nougat, a delight to share

If you need to prepare a quick and delicious dessert, here is the option!

strawberry nougat

For those times when you need to whip up a dessert to surprise your guests, there is a super fast, easy and delicious option sure to please everyone, today we will share the recipe of strawberry nougat what you can achieve in just a few minutes, here the procedure:

You need to prepare the custard:

  • 500ml milk
  • 1 piece of lemon peel
  • 2 pieces of orange peel
  • 60g sugar
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 60g yolks
  • 10g cornstarch.

First we boil the milk with peels, half the sugar and the open half vanilla pod. After that we beat the egg yolks with the cornstarch and remaining sugar.

Subsequently, add a little hot milk to the egg yolks while beating milk, rejoining the rest of the milk and return to heat. This is cooked over low heat, stirring constantly until thickened.

We now turn to the preparation of strawberry nougat.


  • 30g egg white
  • 250g sugar
  • 250g blended strawberries
  • 60g liquefied and strained raspberries.

Place all ingredients in a bowl, using an electric mixer and beat until thickened and increase their volume.

Finally, for the assembly we will need:

  • Chopped 25g unsalted pistachio
  • 4 vanilla beans
  • Sugar candy.

We will have to divide the custard among the soup plates, add the nougat and pistachios; and decorate with vanilla pods and sugar candy.

The result is a delicious dessert, worthy to share with your family or friends on a special occasion, the presentation is very elegant and simple at the same time, so you can surprise everyone next time have a meeting at home.

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