There are so many strange places where you can dine, but definitely not every day you find a restaurant where everything happens “in the dark”. This is Dans Le Noir, a restaurant wanted by Paul Guinot Foundation who fights for the rights of blind people. In the room, in fact, everything happens in the dark and most of the staffs are just blind.
As described on the place, eat in absolute darkness, guided and served only by the blind is a unique experience that turned our way of viewing the world. Surely it is a way to understand how it feels to not have the sense of sight, it is difficult certain daily activities such as eating. An exciting experience, but also “social” because the darkness is different, you live a different conviviality. And reinforcing senses such as taste and smell.
In the restaurant you can choose the “surprise menu” created by chef Olivier Romain and combined with a selection of wines expert Christophe Garnier. The darkness helps the customers to better appreciate the dishes and rediscover your senses. The menu is not high cuisine, offers simple dishes to the view, but intense in tastes.
If you want to go to Paris found Dans Le Noir in 51 rue Quincampoix, but you can find the same chain in Barcelona, London, St. Petersburg, New York and Casablanca.