What To Do With Leftover Buttermilk? Check 28 Easy Recipes With Buttermilk Now!

Are you left with a half/full bottle of buttermilk after using it in a new recipe? Trying new recipes is indeed fun. However, it’s really irritating for me when I have to let the leftover purchased items go to the trash can without use. As a resourceful homemaker or chef, I bet we share the same feelings. I believe that’s why you are wondering, ‘What to do with leftover buttermilk?’

Trust me, having some leftover buttermilk is really a blessing. You don’t really have to let it rot in the refrigerator. Instead, use the buttermilk to prepare some mouthwatering cookies, biscuits, pies, and brownies for your loving family. If you have enough, you can even use it to marinate the chickens and make it even juicier. Continue reading “What To Do With Leftover Buttermilk? Check 28 Easy Recipes With Buttermilk Now!”