How to use stainless steel pans

Stainless steel pans are the favorite pans of catering professionals. The main reason is its durability and rapid response to heat, allowing the cooking temperature to be controlled at all times and ensuring that the result is the desired one. The way to use stainless steel pans is different from traditional non-stick coated pans.

use stainless steel pans

As it does not have a non-stick coating, it is the cook himself, with the help of the pan, who will be in charge of ensuring that nothing sticks to us. This is very easy to do when we already have training and, above all, experience in making several meals.

To use the stainless steel pan correctly, we must first understand its operation and properties of the material with which we are working.

Like any frying pan, we can divide the analysis into the fields of: Property of the material, reaction power and heat conservation and finally care and storage. A stainless steel pan, with the correct care, is capable of lasting a lifetime in our kitchen. Continue reading “How to use stainless steel pans”