How can I substitute cow’s milk?

If you’ve been looking for ways to substitute cow’s milk and its derivatives in your diet, you’ve come to the right place.

Milk was always part of my daily diet. I drank it alone, in smoothies, or with my beloved morning coffee.

A few years ago I began to have problems digesting lactose and drinking milk makes me feel bad, so I decided to investigate alternatives and substitutes to continue with my eating habits.

plant milks

According to The National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK), an estimated 68% of the world’s population has trouble digesting lactose normally.

These data motivated me to write this article to teach how to substitute cow’s milk in your diet. I have included information on derivatives such as yogurt and cheese, but first I will tell you about the substitute for the main source of lactose. Continue reading “How can I substitute cow’s milk?”