Szimpla Kert, the best bar in the ruins of Budapest

Szimpla Kert, the dean of Romkocsma of Budapest, the restaurant that created a genre (for some an obsession) is still the best on the square. Many rooms and a courtyard, in practice a sort of open-air post-atomic, which can accommodate hundreds of people, and partying until late at night, with a great selection of beers, wines and cocktails.

Szimpla Kert

The Romkocsma, the bar among the ruins, are an invention of Budapest, since 2001 the first dubbed the Szimpla coffee, dubbed the next year from our Szimpla Kert, who first experiences the strong, is created to ‘inside of an abandoned factory near the University. Great success, and the idea that spreads like a virus, so as to open in other Hungarian cities, as well as in Berlin.

At Szimpla Kert is not just to enjoy a beer or a drink or to dance and attend a live concert, but also watch a film exhibition, watch a photograph or design, participate in the festival of bicycles.

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